Upload your poster using the following form [Deadline: June 12, 2022]
To submit your poster, please follow these steps:
1) Prepare your banner. Banners will include poster number and title, authors' names and affiliation. Banner template with 15 different backgrounds can be downloaded from the following link. Presenters can select a preferred template (pdf format), fill in the required information, save as png and upload to the form for poster submission. Download Banner Template
2) Prepare Your Poster (Example below). Here are some points you need to consider.
You will be presenting your poster using a web board that is inside a specified booth at Virbela platform (image below).
Don't include poster number and title, authors' names and affiliation. That will be included in the banner.
Poster size 900x600 mm (w x h), resolution at 100-300 dpi, font size>24pt.
Poster must be submitted as image, recommended file format is .png, landscape format.
File size should not exceed 100 MB.
You can include an animation or a movie through URL which will be added to your booth (optional)
You can also upload your photo to be added to your booth (optional)
Submit Your poster via the provided form, and upload:
- Banner (Necessary). File name: Banner_Poster#_SurName_GivenName.png
Example: Banner_46_Alia_Abdalla.png
- Poster (Necessary). File name: Pos_Poster#_SurName_GivenName.png
Example: Pos_46_Alia_Abdalla.png
- Your Picture (Optional). File name: Pic_Poster#_SurName_GivenName.png
Example: Pic_46_Alia_Abdalla.png
Poster Example